Monday, October 25, 2010

Consignment tax increase plan

In the consignment business, although some of the consignee and commission fees charged to sign a form of sales agency contracts, but often the actual consignment Shiyou unilateral increase sales, create sales agency handling charges means neither act nor be deemed to buyout way, not only can not be in accordance with "Accounting System" under conventional accounting procedures and tax issues are also easily divided.

There is a view that the consignment entrusted to unilaterally increase sales of some of the goods required to pay sales tax increase, that is entrusted with the party's tax basis to calculate and pay sales tax in addition to sales agency contract than the agreed consignment fee, plus the fare to part. The reason: the tax law under the business tax, sales tax revenue calculation should include all business activities to obtain price and other charges. Increase sales agency essentially still a consignment business, acquired in the consignment business interests belong to the consignment business income, so the fare increase as a sales agency fee income should be paid part of the business tax. As the external sales of goods must also calculate and pay the full value-added tax equivalent sales, which makes part of both the burden of the VAT increase, but also the burden of the sales tax, some taxpayers so the tax burden too heavy and complaining, but do not know Tax What has gone wrong. To this end, the author increases sales agency with case describes conduct tax planning.

First, practical case

A Company and B Company are the general taxpayer, early in December 2005, A commissioned B sells 10 units of televisions, sales agency contract, each sale price of 2,340 yuan (not including tax price of 2000 dollars) per sale a, A paid B Company 100 consignment fee. But B will the selling price of each TV without authorization increased to 2,440 yuan (tax included), each TV will increase the retail price of 100 yuan. To 12 at the end, B TV Sales End 10 A company issued a charge to 1,000 yuan fee billing invoices, while the sales after deducting the commissions paid 22,400 yuan remitted to A Company.

Accounting Treatment of the following (assuming the price by receiving account):

1.12 When goods received in early commission basis:
By: entrusted with the consignment of goods (to receive price) 20000
Credit: consignment of goods shall (receive value) 20000

End 2.12 Sale Ends TV:
By: bank deposits 24 400
Loans: the main business income 20854.70
Tax payable - VAT
(Tax) 3545.30

3. Carry-over operating costs:
By: Operating Costs (Acquisition Price) 20000
Credit: commission basis commodities (price received) 20000

4. A firm received issue special VAT invoices:
By: consignment of goods shall (receive value) 20000
Tax payable - VAT (sales tax into) 3400
Credit: Accounts Payable - A company 23400

5. A carry-over due from the company's fee:
By: Accounts Payable - A Company 1000
Credit: Other operating income
- Shopping Service consignment Revenue 1000

6. A company shall pay the remainder when sales agency:
By: Accounts Payable - A company 22400
Loans: bank deposits 22 400

7. Provision charges sales tax revenue (other surcharges, charges omitted):
By: Business Tax and the additional 50
Loan: Tax payable
- Business tax payable 50

Thus, B company achieved sales of consignment sales of goods not only in full accordance with the tax law provision for output tax (including the increase in part), and its implementation consignment fee income of 1,000 yuan to tax items in accordance with service Agencies pay 5% sales tax. In the declaration of VAT, because of A Company B Company issued a VAT invoice for the original amount is based on the two sides agreed price (excluding fares) issued, so, B Company became part of the fare sales of TV The value-added, value added to 854.70 yuan, therefore, B part of the company need to increase VAT 145.30 yuan (854.7 脳 17%).

Second, increase sales tax planning

(A) the trustees for the general taxpayer

Can be seen from the case, if the consignee in accordance with the Client the agreed price of foreign sales, then only pay sales tax on fee income; if the entrusted increase sales, apart from Xuan contract fee income to pay sales tax outside part of its fare increase needed revenue into the consignment business, together with VAT. Thus, in the commissioned sales agency business, the trustee shall as far as possible in accordance with the Client's requested price of foreign sales, if the possibility of fare increases should be in consultation with the client side to improve Consigned prices as far as possible in consultation with the client side to improve consignment fee of charges, will not only ensure that no unauthorized price increases due to the high tax burden of the VAT paid, you can also make the overall tax burden on lower sales agency business.

Described as case, B will the selling price of each TV without authorization to increase by 100 yuan, the B part of the company should pay the VAT increase was 145.30 yuan. If B in consultation with A Company, will raise the price of each TV company as a sales agency in part by A fee will be refunded, the consignment fee will increase each TV 100, the B company collected more than 1,000 yuan consignment fees required to pay sales tax only 50, compared to the previous way of reducing the tax burden on many shows its superiority in the tax burden.

However, the need to explain that as the value-added tax deduction chain constraints, if the consignee in order to reduce their tax burden and the requirement part of the Client to increase the combined sales of goods to be open, according to the original cost of VAT, If the increase of 100 yuan each, B will increase the company requested A part of 1,000 yuan into the consignment of goods be open, according to the total original VAT invoices, you will definitely increase the tax burden on the Client (an increase of the amount of for the 10 脳 100 脳 17% / 1.17 = 145.30 dollars), but also to increase the distribution of some interest. Thus, both principal and the trustees and the general taxpayers of the tax is collected by the normal circumstances, the consignee in accordance with the above method to achieve the lowest tax burden of conflicts will inevitably arise with the client side, when the trustees should be in consultation with the commission, and seek win-win balance. In addition, if the Client can not be opened for small-scale taxpayers, according to VAT, as far as possible, please entrust the entrusted party to the tax authorities issue special VAT invoices to ensure that their consignment of goods to the normal input tax deduction.

(B) the trustees for the small-scale taxpayers

Commercial Enterprises in the consignee for the small-scale taxpayers, while the commissioning party for the general taxpayer, the situation has undergone great changes. At this point, if both parties, will charge a fee to change the way the sales agency for the buyout means deemed that the Client for the remuneration of the trustees in the form of fees paid to the trustee party to the settlement prices of goods on consignment discount ( Suppose the consignee external sales price established), the trustee will charge a fee income side reflected in the form of goods into the net price realized.

If the above case, A will pay consignment fee way to charge directly in the settlement price will be deducted, that is, according to 2240 yuan / sets the price the company sells to B, no additional fee to pay. Thus, the A company, as sales fell 1,000 yuan, their value-added output tax will be reduced accordingly 145.30 yuan (1000 脳 17% / 1.17 = 145.30 million). Even if the commission side with the small-scale taxpayers will pay less VAT in accordance with the rate (such as A company is a manufacturing enterprise, the collection rate was 6% less satisfied VAT tax is 1000 脳 6% / 1.06 = 56.6 yuan); while for B firms, it is 1,000 yuan per 100 yuan total amount will be reflected in the sales of goods (the eventually adopted to achieve the net price of goods), only the rate by 4% VAT 38.46 yuan, compared with fee income by way of payment of sales tax (50) of the tax burden dropped by 23.08%. Therefore, the consignee for the case of small-scale taxpayers, the above approach is very beneficial to both parties.


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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Honeywell Process Solutions User Group Conference held in Zhuhai

Honeywell (NYSE: HON) Process Solutions recently held in Zhuhai in China User Conference 2006, from oil and gas, chemical, mining, metallurgy, paper making, power, water treatment industry more than about 230 users gathered in Zhuhai, Honeywell bring Chinese users to share new knowledge and cutting-edge experience in the industry.

PetroChina Company Limited, Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai Secco Petrochemical Co., Ltd., LIU Zhou Iron and Steel Company, Zhongzhou Aluminum, Hubei Shuanghuan Technology Co., Ltd. on behalf of other domestic famous enterprises, have their own enterprise application integration features the user made a wonderful speech the General Assembly, and shared with the guests arrived in the area of automation and control applications experience. In addition, the very industry specific case studies representative and lectures also attracted many visitors to the General Assembly has become a rare event in the automation fields. The General Assembly also arranged more than a keynote speech and technical seminars: Experion 庐 PKS R300 main system features, high performance, wide range of industrial applications, technology, safety issues, integration of intelligent field devices, abnormal state management.

Industrial control automation technology as the 20th century, the most important modern manufacturing technology is one of the main problems to solve production efficiency and consistency.宸ヤ笟鎺у埗鑷姩鍖栫殑鏍稿績鐞嗗康灏辨槸閫氳繃鍩虹鑷姩鍖栥?杩囩▼鑷姩鍖栧拰绠$悊鑷姩鍖栦笁涓眰娆★紝鏈?ぇ绋嬪害鐨勪紭鍖栦紒涓氱敓浜ф祦绋嬶紝鎻愰珮浼佷笟鐨勫晢涓氳〃鐜般?鍦ㄤ紶缁熷拰鍩虹宸ヤ笟鍗犳嵁鐩稿綋澶ф瘮渚嬬殑涓浗锛岀煶娌癸紝鐭夸笟锛屽喍閲戯紝鍖栧伐锛岄?绾革紝鐢靛姏绛夊ぇ鍨嬩紒涓氱殑鑷姩鍖栫▼搴︼紝鏃㈡槸浼佷笟鐢熷瓨鍙戝睍鐨勯噸瑕佸洜绱狅紝鍚屾椂涔熸槸鎻愰珮鍥藉鏁翠綋鍥藉姏鍜岃皟鏁村伐涓氱粨鏋勭殑閲嶈鎵嬫銆?br />
銆??闅忕潃涓浗缁忔祹鎸佺画蹇?绋冲畾鐨勫闀匡紝瀹㈡埛灏嗘嫢鏈夋洿澶氱殑涓氬姟鏈轰細锛屽悓鏍蜂篃灏嗛潰涓翠弗宄荤殑鎸戞垬銆傞拡瀵逛笉鏂彉鍖栫殑琛屼笟闇?眰锛岄湇灏奸煢灏旈?杩囦笉鎳堢殑鍔姏锛岃嚧鍔涘皢涓栫晫棰嗗厛鐨勬帶鍒剁郴缁熷拰瑙e喅鏂规锛屾帹骞垮埌涓浗琛屼笟鐢ㄦ埛鐨勫疄璺典腑锛岃繘鑰屽叏闈㈡敼鍠勫鎴风殑鍟嗕笟琛ㄧ幇銆?br />
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浠庣绾跨洃鎺ц繃娓″埌InterCorr鐨勫湪绾垮疄鏃舵妧鏈紝棰勮瀹㈡埛鍙妭鐪佽厫铓?垚鏈珮杈?0%銆傛澶栵紝闇嶅凹闊﹀皵杩樺皢鍏堣繘鐨勬棤绾挎妧鏈瀺鍏ュ伐涓氭棤绾挎爣鍑嗭紝閫氳繃鏃犵嚎搴旂敤鍜屼紶鎰熷櫒浣垮鎴烽噰闆嗗拰瑙f瀽鏁版嵁鐨勮兘鍔涘ぇ澶у寮猴紝浠庤?鎻愰珮宸ュ巶鎬ц兘锛屽叏闈績杩涘鎴峰疄鐜板埄娑﹀拰鐢熶骇鐜囧叡鍚屾彁楂樼殑鎬讳綋涓氬姟鐩爣銆?br />
銆??闇嶅凹闊﹀皵鍦ㄨ嚜鍔ㄥ寲棰嗗煙涓嶆柇鎺ㄩ檲鍑烘柊鐨勫悓鏃讹紝鍦ㄥ悇鐩爣琛屼笟甯傚満涔熷彇寰椾簡楠勪汉鐨勬垚缁╋紝閫氳繃瀵逛笉鍚屽鎴疯涓氳嚜鍔ㄥ寲闇?眰鐨勬繁鍒荤悊瑙o紝涓?娆℃垚鍔熶负瀹㈡埛鎻愪緵瀹夊叏鍙潬鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堬紝婊¤冻瀹㈡埛鐢熶骇鐨勮嚜鍔ㄦ帶鍒堕渶瑕侊紝寰楀埌瀹㈡埛鐨勯珮搴﹁鍙?鍏跺湪2005骞存帹鍑虹殑Experion杩囩▼鐭ヨ瘑绯荤粺锛圥rocess Knowledge System, PKS锛塕300锛屾槸闇嶅凹闊﹀皵杩囩▼鎺у埗閮ㄦ湁鍙蹭互鏉ユ帹鍑虹殑鍔熻兘鏈?叏闈㈢殑瑙e喅鏂规涔嬩竴锛岃骞冲彴鍏锋湁鐙壒寰瀷鍨傜洿璁捐鐨勬帶鍒剁郴缁燂紝鎻愪緵浜嗙畝渚跨殑婕旇繘閬撹矾锛屽厑璁稿綋鍓嶅鎴峰湪涓嶄腑鏂搷浣滅殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝鍗囩骇鑷繁鐨勭郴缁熴?R300鑷嚭璐т互鏉ョ洰鍓嶅凡鍞嚭鐧句綑濂楃郴缁燂紝骞跺湪鐢ㄦ埛涓緱鍒颁簡鑹ソ鐨勫弽棣堛?

銆??鈥滈湇灏奸煢灏斾腑鍥界殑鎴樼暐鎬濇兂灏辨槸锛屾彁楂樺鎴蜂笟缁╁苟浣垮鎴锋洿瀹夊績锛屸?闇嶅凹闊﹀皵杩囩▼鎺у埗閮ㄥぇ涓崕鍖鸿懀浜嬫?缁忕悊鍒樺畨鍏堢敓琛ㄧず锛氣?鍑?闇嶅凹闊﹀皵涓浗鍥㈤槦鐨勪笉鎳堝姫鍔涘拰涓撲笟鐭ヨ瘑锛屾垜鏈熷緟鐫?兘涓庢垜浠殑涓浗瀹㈡埛鏇村姞绱у瘑鐨勫悎浣滐紝骞跺湪鏃ョ泭澶嶆潅鐨勫伐鑹鸿鏂藉拰浼佷笟鐜涓府鍔╁鎴锋彁楂樹笟鍔$哗鏁堛?鈥?br />


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Audio files, search the earthquake it was thousand clues

Wenchuan earthquake affects the hearts of millions of people, their families and friends of those people living in affected areas especially. To help those suffering day and night, anxiously hoping for news of friends and family online friends as soon as possible, but also better and more comprehensive with the line search and rescue operation to rescue the first time to provide accurate search information.

Wenchuan earthquake affects the hearts of millions of people, their families and friends of those people living in affected areas especially. To help those suffering day and night, anxiously hoping for news of friends and family online friends as soon as possible, but also better and more comprehensive with the line search and rescue operation to rescue the first time to provide accurate search information. SOSO Tencent rapid response, found it in SOSO network platform first launched the "search bar search" channel (, the disaster areas to help people network to find friends and relatives.

According to Tencent responsible person, as long as users are in the "search bar search" in search of those released were related physical appearance, geographical location and other information, even if only a glimmer of hope, the national users, local rescue and medical personnel will work together together, at all costs, to help them find or loss of contact or be buried under the ruins of the family and friends.

10:00 am deadline to 16 points, a total of nearly 40,000 people in the "search bar search" in the issue of tracing software, and a large number of enthusiastic users to provide relevant clues. Tencent said relevant, Tencent has an integrated instant messaging, portal, blog, search a variety of communication of the three-dimensional platform, this platform active in more than 300 million of the mass users, these conditions will make online search of work changes be effective. Currently, in the "search bar search" of the area, provide clues Replies over 12,000 users.

It is reported that, according to some tracing back to the publisher posts the feedback has been great in the loving help of friends, in the first time to find their loved ones. Here, the post who would like to represent themselves through Tencent business and family, friends, to the "search bar search" platform provided selfless help of every Chinese, said the most sincere gratitude.

Time in a single minute of the past, the "search bar search" is still the country people to constantly play an important role in search and rescue of life, the formation of an online network, the front-line force behind the huge interaction at any time. We firmly believe that the Chinese people will be able to surmount, a more powerful force together.

Search bar search hot paste link:

Press here to see a top being called "a soldier to plead !!!!!!!" Wenchuan disaster relief tracing posts, posts in wrote:

"Please everyone repost the major forum for help: my wife is 7 months pregnant, without food and water, a contact this morning, has been hungry to die. I am also a soldier, our troops are on standby ready to go to Wenchuan, Sichuan relief, I am willing to contribute their strength to save all the villagers affected areas. "

"But no one save my wife and I soon start, and may be difficult to contact her, though no matter what I will do its utmost to rescue fellow Wenchuan disaster area, but hope that the fellow is also facing two counts of Jiangyou a bit to eat , even a bottle of mineral water is also OK, beg fellow, and she is now in the street outside of China Telecom Bay, a van on the road, 鎴?No Zhuo, a teacher, you villagers seek help. "

"I need access to the Internet for work, I now abandon the phone waiting for orders, I wait ... ..."

銆??鑷宠鑰呮埅绋夸箣鏃讹紝杩欏箙瀵讳汉甯栧緱鍒颁簡鏉ヨ嚜鐖卞績缃戝弸浠殑澶ч噺鍥炲笘鍏辫1572鏉★紝 鐐瑰嚮閲忛珮杈?0568涓?銆?br />



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